RECOA Election Information

4. Election of Directors

Election for Directors

The obligations and powers of a Director are defined in Section 4.7 of the RECOA By Laws. 

For households without an email address on file with Eagle Crest Management, you will receive a voter information letter at your mailing address on file with ECM explaining in detail how you can cast your vote.

For households with an email address on file with Eagle Crest Management, you will received an electronic ballot at your primary email address on file with ECM. Instructions on that ballot will indicate how to vote via email. You will have a unique code provided to your household for tracking purposes. You will need that unique number in order to access the electronic voting site. No one at RECOA will know that number, so your participation and vote are secret.

Eagle Crest Management (ECM) Owner Services maintains the primary distribution list for RECOA information. These emails include important information including electronic voting information.  This is the email address associated with your HOA accounting profile. 
How do I get on this email list or make updates?  There are 2 ways to get on this email list or make updates.
  1. Contact Owner Services and provide them your property address and email address(es) or
  2. Log into the Eagle Crest Management Appfolio online service portal, go into your profile by clicking the button above "home", and make necessary modifications
For help or questions, contact Owners Services at [email protected] or (541) 548-9300.     
(NOTE: This is NOT the email distribution used for the domain maintained by the RECOA webmaster)         


This Fall owners will be asked to approve an amendment to RECOA’s bylaws. The purpose of the amendment is to eliminate controversies that surrounded recent elections. Approval of the amendment will save RECOA from potentially expensive lawsuits and thousands of dollars of costs of additional elections. The amendment is simple, it provides that the winner of an election is the candidate who receives the most votes. This is the same standard Oregon uses to elect all statewide officers including Governor, state legislators, both U.S. Senators and members of Congress.

Here is some background information to consider. Last November, several RECOA homeowners expressed some confusion and concern relating to the standard for the number of votes needed to elect a person to RECOA’s Board of Directors. The Board and RECOA counsel reviewed the inquiries and determined that some clarification concerning the standard should be considered. Accordingly, the Board appointed an Election Sub-Committee consisting of three volunteer homeowners (including two attorneys with decades of experience) to review this issue.

After researching the issue and further consultation with RECOA’s attorney, the Sub-Committee recommended the Board put on the ballot an amendment to section 4.4 of the by-laws, which is set out at the end of this article. Existing section 4.4 pertains to the election of Board members but does not identify the vote standard that applies. The proposed amendment will make it clear that the candidate who receives the most votes is the winner.

There are several reasons supporting this bylaw amendment:

  1. It complies with RECOA’s practice of identifying the winner of an election as the candidate receiving the most votes. As stated above, this is also the same standard used statewide for election of Oregon officials.
  2. It eliminates the uncertainty of what happens if a candidate does not receive a majority of the votes cast. Are costly new elections required?
  3. Is the voting group for the available position deprived of full representation on the Board until when and if at a future election a candidate receives a majority?
  4. If it is determined that a new election would be necessary, RECOA will incur the cost of subsequent elections, which currently cost between $2500 - $3000 per election. Ultimately, those increased costs will be passed along to the homeowner.
  5. Ultimately, it resolves any perceived confusion created by the absence of an identified standard in section 4.4 of the by-laws.

If you agree that the simple proposed amendment would resolve the standard for the election of Board members, please discuss it with your fellow homeowners. Section 10.2 of the By-laws requires that an amendment to the By- Laws must be approved by a majority of all voting units of the Association meaning that 51% of the approximately 1750 voting units (876 of the voting units) would have to vote in favor of the proposed amendment. This is a difficult challenge considering that in many of annual votes a majority of the voting units do not choose to submit their vote. In order to resolve the standard for the election of Board members going forward, we stress that it is extremely important to publicize this matter and work towards turning out a favorable vote.

Section 4.4 – Election and Tenure of Office.   The Board shall consist of seven (7) directors, one (1) at-large director and two (2) directors elected by each of the Voting Groups as described in Section 9.10 of the Declaration.  All directors shall be elected for three year terms, staggered as follows: In the first year, one director from each voting group Second year one director from each voting Third year director at large. All directors shall hold office until their respective successors have been elected or appointed as provided in the Declaration and these Bylaws.

(a)       Directors for each of the three voting groups shall be elected by a vote of eligible voters within the applicable voting group in conjunction with the annual meeting.  The winner of each election shall be the candidate, including write-in candidate, receiving the most votes cast by eligible voters within the applicable voting group.
(b)       The At-Large Director shall be elected by a vote of all eligible voting units in conjunction with the annual meeting.  The winner of the election will be the candidate, including write-in candidate, receiving the most votes cast by eligible voters.

Attorney Correspondence Regarding the Bylaws as they Affect the November 2024 Board Election

Voting Groups

The neighborhood in which you own a unit indicates the Voting Group you belong to. Voting Groups are described below: